Practical Aesthetics Online Acting Class
A practical, no-BS approach to acting
Because it actually works...
Our actors have been featured in
Course Description
Recommended Reading
Case Study Scene & Worksheets
Online Interactive Templates
1-1 Coaching
1. Setting Intentions & Expectations
2. How Practical Aesthetics (PA) Came About
3. Why Do We Need Script Analysis?
4. A Model of Human Behaviour
5. RSA ANIMATE: The Divided Brain
6. Left Brain - Right Brain Process
7. Summary of PA
FREE PREVIEW8. Introduction to 'The Literal'
9. Step 1a. Listing Every moment (Training Wheels Step)
10. Step 1b - Chunking (Training Wheels Step)
11. Step 1c - The Overall / Popcorn Gist (Essential)
12. Synthesising / Hegelian dialectic (Optional)
13. Transitioning from Step 1 to Step 2
14. History and Purpose of ‘The Want’
15. Troubleshooting - Conscious vs Unconscious ‘Wants’
16. Troubleshooting - Objectives Don’t Have to be Personally Compelling.
17. Troubleshooting - Emphasising What the Person DOES, Not Thinks/Feels
18. Troubleshooting - Stating in Third Person
19. Troubleshooting - Competing Wants
20. Troubleshooting - More than 2 Characters in a Scene
21. Troubleshooting - Acting Alone
22. Troubleshooting - Context of the Want/Objective
23. Step 3a - Transitioning from step 2 to step 3 (Training Wheels Step)
24. The Action - Step 3b (Essential)
25. Action Checklist
26. Tools & Tactics
27. Other Technique's Use of Tools & Tactics
28. Beat Change
29. What is an As-if? - (Part 1)
FREE PREVIEW30. What is an As-if? (Part 2)
With the Practical Aesthetics online acting course you'll learn how to...
Breakdown any script in 4 simple steps
Apply the best acting technique to any TV, film or theatre script
Nail any acting audition with playable choices
“Taking the Practical Aesthetics course is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Dan is so knowledgeable about the technique and makes it incredibly accessible and easily digestible to beginners. I never for one moment fell into the desperate and unhelpful trap of trying to master and move on. As a consequence, it was highly enjoyable and incredibly exciting time that has given me a strong foundation of a technique that I shall now begin the process of applying in my work. Thank you Dan.”
“Daniel is a life saver! Not only is he super smart and insightful, he also helped me find a new way of working. I always felt way more confident and prepared after coaching with him and he made the process fun! He’d often make discoveries in the text I would never have thought of which opened up new possibilities for me and made everything richer. If I ever felt confused by a scene, I knew I could count on him to shed new light on it and help me figure it out. I’m stronger for having worked with him and grateful for his guidance.”